BGT Strategies offers a one-of-a-kind tiered pricing structure for consulting services:
Tier One: Establishing a Presence
Tier Two: Robust Tracking, Analysis, and Relationship-Building
Tier Three: Proactive Full-Service Advocacy Efforts
Tier Four: State- and Region-wide Advocacy and Grassroots Integration
Tier Five: Comprehensive Advocacy, Targeted Political Giving, and Fundraising
While BGT Strategies’ packaged tiers provide the greatest combined value, we can incorporate and custom tailor any of our services below to fit your needs and budget. Unlike many firms that rely on expensive annual retainers, BGT Strategies is accountable to our clients from month-to-month or available to contract on a per-project basis. Please contact us to schedule a free consultation.
Campaign Consulting
Staff and Candidate Support
Event Scheduling and Planning
Volunteer Engagement
Recruitment and coordination
Voter Mobilization
Block-walking and lit-dropping, GOTV efforts pre- and day-of-Election Day
Fundraising and Coalition-Building
Council-School Board Experience
Paula Blackmon, Adam Bazaldua, Gay Donnell Willis, Justin Henry, Dustin Marshall
Lobbying and Advocacy
Access to Dallas City Hall, area municipalities, and regional agencies
Consultation to understand Needs and Issues
Detailed policy tracking, analysis, and strategy-setting
Target Meeting Introductions, Facilitation, and Follow-Up
Materials prepared in advance
Biweekly In-The-Know reports
Regular e-mail updates and communications
Advocacy Alerts (as appropriate)
Action recommendations and representation
Community and Local Engagement
Stakeholder Identification, Invitations, and Meetings
In-person, virtually, or hybrid
Community Outreach and Awareness-Building
Grassroots organizing
Feedback Incorporation and Implementation
Board- and Executive-level Training
Authentically-cultivated, Neighborhood-level Relationship-building
Social Media Management
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok
Graphic Design
Digital Marketing
Paid social media advertising
Web design & SEO
Public Outreach
Direct mail, phone banks, texting campaigns, etc.
Business Development
Strategic Partnerships
Connecting to DFW’s corporate and nonprofit ecosystem
Grant Applications and Support
Philanthropic and corporate funders
Government Contracts
Business-to-Business (B2B) Sales
© BGT Strategies LLC 2023